Say hello to the MedicComs app

We have worked closely with healthcare professionals across a variety of settings and understand the challenges facing teams across GP practices, pharmacies and care homes. MedicComs transforms healthcare communication and increases patient safety while protecting patient data.


The MedicComs App supports patient related communication between primary care, community pharmacists, multi-disciplinary teams and care or nursing homes. Helping you deliver the best care possible to your patients.

MedicComs creates a simple, secure and quick way to improve communications relating to the prescribing, dispensing, and administration of medication.

In line with findings from the NHS, WHO and local professionals we believe in creating a safer and smarter way to resolve medication issues, correcting errors and the impact they have on patients’ lives.

Together, we can create better ways of working and better care for everyone.

Key Features


Create confidential Cases

This allows your team to communicate with their colleagues in primary care about everything patient related while safe-guarding patient data.

Our innovative ‘Cases’ feature allows you to open, assign and resolve prescription queries using a unique patient identifier.


Real time communication

MedicComs’ Case and Messenger features work in real-time and save clinical time making, or responding to, non-secure and non-recorded phone calls.

One single verifiable communication

All opened, assigned and resolved Cases are time and date stamped and offer non-repudiation. Cases are discussed and resolved all in one place. This supports healthcare professionals with a clearer and more reliable way to communicate.


Safe & secure

MedicComs is secure, and meets industry standards in GDPR and Cyber Security. Our time limited login with two-factor authentication offers a great way to protect your patients’ privacy as well as their health.


Access anytime, anywhere

Our web based app and admin portal are compatiable with iOS and Android devices, creating an easily accessible central space for all data relating to prescription communication. If no WiFI or data connection is available, messages and Cases will be held and automatically sent once the connection is re-established.

Facilitates demand management

Our web-based portal supports efficient demand and workload management through the ability to easily toggle permissions for your users. This helps with staff planning e.g. annual leave, Locum cover and sickness.


Generate reports

Our admin portal offers real-time data analysis and reporting. This will enable healthcare professionals to resolve prescription queries faster and deliver quality patient care more effectively.


Create community connections

As well as Cases, you can use our Messenger feature to have one-to-one and group discussions about non-patient related topics. Helping establish great connections with other local healthcare colleagues across primary care and keeping your work related communications in one place.

Get started with MedicComs today