Save time & reduce stress by resolving prescription queries quickly and securely.

The MedicComs app is a simple-to-use, secure, auditable and time saving technology never seen before.


We are MedicComs


Start transforming your prescription communication and deliver even better quality care for your patients. We have worked closely with healthcare professionals across a variety of settings and understand the challenges facing teams across GP practices, pharmacies and care homes.

MedicComs transforms healthcare communication and increases patient safety while protecting patient data.

Benefits with MedicComs

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Improves patient safety

All of the features of the MedicComs app are designed to support frontline healthcare workers in the NHS by offering a simple, effective way to safely manage the prescribing and dispensing of medication.


More secure and confidential

It protects patient data, is GDPR compliant and provides ongoing Cyber Security within NCSC Accreditation. The app is a cloud-based software that works independently of any existing NHS infrastructure.

Reduces stress and saves time

No more waiting on hold and making endless calls to check scripts. MedicComs delivers real-time conversations between pharmacies, GP practices and care homes that reduces time and stress while increasing levels of accuracy and patient care.

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Easy to use

MedicComs is intuitive, with features you will be familiar with. It’s unique ‘Case’ feature will enable fast, secure, and focused conversations between GPs, pharmacies and care homes to rapidly resolve any issues.


Improves reporting and audit

All communication through the app - sent, received and read messages, are time and date stamped. Capturing and storing data helps our users perform better audits, monitor efficiency and plan future workloads.


Find out more
about the app’s
great features


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